The project bookmarks page lists all the bookmarks to which you have access.
There are 3 tabs to select bookmarks from:
DEFAULT BOOKMARK: shows the default bookmark for the project, if nay
ALL BOOKMARKS: lists all the bookmarks for the project. This includes the default bookmark or the ones that have links.
BOOKMARKS WITH LINKS: these are bookmarks that already have links.
Find the card of the bookmark you want to delete.
Use the search box at the top of the page
To make it easier to find the bookmark you are looking for, you can:
Press the delete button in the right bottom corner of the bookmark card
A confirmation dialog will be shown as deleting a bookmark cannot be undone.
Deleting a bookmark also deletes all links for that bookmark
When you delete a bookmark, all links for that bookmark will also be deleted |
by clicking on the Project bookmarks button in the left navigation bar
The project bookmarks page lists all the bookmarks to which you have access.
There are 3 tabs to select bookmarks from:
DEFAULT BOOKMARK: shows the default bookmark for the project, if nay
ALL BOOKMARKS: lists all the bookmarks for the project. This includes the default bookmark or the ones that have links.
BOOKMARKS WITH LINKS: these are bookmarks that already have links.
Find the card of the bookmark from which you want to delete a link.
Use the search box at the top of the page
To make it easier to find the bookmark you are looking for, you can:
by pressing the Manage links button on the bookmark card
and find the card of the link you want to delete.
Use the search box at the top of the page
To make it easier to find the link you are looking for, you can:
Press the delete button in the right bottom corner of the link card.
A confirmation dialog will be shown as deleting a link cannot be undone.