Next Steps

You have taken an important step and learned how to use the REST API for project creation, data set usage, and dashboard building. You have used a code generator to access the API through TypeScript classes. Of course, you can use your favorite tools and languages to communicate with the platform.

The major benefit of the REST API is that you can automate processes in a repeatable way. To give a few examples:

  • You can automate the creation of a new project and upload the relevant data when you sign up a new city and provide access to traffic safety data through a uniform dashboard.

  • You can automate continuous data ingestion if you want to track and monitor people flow at a busy shopping street.

  • You can script a shared link creation, when you want to provide access to a certain subset of your data in a certain region, for example when creating reports on illegal fishing activities.

  • You can query the backend and provide alerts when for example the wait time in an anchorage zone reaches a threshold.

  • Etc.

The API provides endless possibilities to automate, optimize, and implement your operational business processes. And don’t forget, there is always the web interface as well to further configure and analyze your data.

Now that you know how to use part of the API, find all the documentation here.

Next part

Go to the next part: Known issues