This article only applies to movement path data

This article is only relevant when working with movement path data, not when working for instance with movement data.

You can read more about the differences between the different data set types in this article.


When working with movement path data, you need to create two types of data sets:

  • A GeoJSON data set that defines the geometry of the road network.

  • A Movement path data set that contains vehicle trip data referencing the road network.

Uploading your movement path data involves multiple steps:

Create a GeoJSON data set: This data set contains road segments.

  • Define GeoJSON properties: Specify the unique identifier for each road segment and any additional attributes.

  • Upload .geojson files: Upload the files containing road segment data.

Create a Movement path data set: This data set references the GeoJSON data and stores trip data.

  • Select the GeoJSON data set: Choose the previously created road segment data.

  • Define trip file structure: Configure how trip and metadata files are formatted, including timestamps and unique identifiers.

  • Upload trip files: Once configured, upload the trip files, and the platform will process them.

New to data uploads? Follow the tutorial!

A step-by-step guide is available in the Upload Your Own Movement Path Data tutorial.

This article provides in-depth information, but the tutorial is the best starting point for first-time users.

Supported File Types

The platform supports the following file formats for movement path data:

  • Road network files: .geojson, .geojson.gz

  • Trips data and metadata files: .csv, .csv.gz, .parquet

Creating a GeoJSON Data Set

To create a new GeoJSON data set, follow the steps outlined in the How to Create and Delete a Data Set article.

Defining GeoJSON Properties

The platform requires specific details about the properties in your GeoJSON files, including:

  • The property that uniquely identifies each road segment.

  • Additional relevant properties.

Since GeoJSON files only contain data without specifying the meaning of each property, you must define these details. Learn more in the Configure GeoJSON Properties article.

Uploading GeoJSON Files

Once properties are defined, uploading is as simple as dragging and dropping files onto the designated widget. For more details, refer to the Upload geometry files article.

Creating a Movement Path Data Set

After creating the GeoJSON data set, you can create a movement path data set. This follows a similar process and is explained in the How to Create and Delete a Data Set article.

Configuring the Movement Path Data Set

The platform needs to understand:

  • Which GeoJSON data set to use for the road network.

  • The structure of the trips and metadata files you upload.

Since trip files contain raw data without specifying format details, you must define:

  • The column containing the trip ID.

  • The column containing timestamps.

  • The column referencing the road segment ID.

  • Other important attributes such as speed, vehicle type, etc.

  • Properties that can be ignored.

  • Whether values are stored as numbers or strings.

This setup is explained in the Configure a Movement Path Data Set article.

Uploading Data and Metadata Files

Once everything is configured, you can upload your trip data by dragging and dropping the files onto the designated widget. The platform will process the data upon upload.

For detailed instructions, refer to the Upload Data and Metadata Trips Files article.