![Create a new project](../images/analyze-traffic-flows/xyzt.ai_traffic_flow_tutorial_getting_started1.jpg)
Let’s start with setting up a new project for our analysis. Once you have created a project, you can attach an existing background layer and the sample data set for this tutorial.
Follow these steps:
Create a new project
Attach a background layer
Attach a data set with the INRIX floating vehicle data
Now that we have created our new project, you can look at the data by clicking on the Visual analytics button on the left.
You should now see a map, a timeline, the layers panel, and the data distribution statistics. The map shows a heatmap of INRIX trips data, which is as discussed above, floating vehicle data through the Lüdenscheid area.
The data spans 2 weeks before December 2 2021, and 2 weeks after December 2 2021 when the highway section was closed. In the remainder of the tutorial, you will focus your analysis on the two weeks after closure of the highway section.
Go to the next part: Analzying traffic flows using basic filters