The platform now supports a new data set type: Point Data. This type includes datasets composed of independent, unrelated measurements, each associated with a specific location. Examples include driving events such as harsh breaking, cornering,… For more details about the different types of datasets supported by the platform, please refer to the Different types of data sets article.
You can now use Parquet files in your data sets, whereas previously only CSV files were supported. The Different types of data sets article provides a list of supported file formats for each dataset type.
When defining the structure of a new data set through the wizard, you can now upload an example file and define the different properties from the uploaded file. Read the Auto-detection of the data properties article for more information.
For movement data sets, you can now enable labels for trajectories with icons. This enables you to more easily identify assets such as vessels moving on the map, e.g., showing the vessel’s MMSI identification number. In addition, you will now see a tooltip with all the record properties when moving with the mouse over a trajectory line or the associated icon.
You can now specify a start and/or end time on the origin-destination analytics page.
Widgets for dwell time and trend analytics now are sized responsively on the dashboard. Also various improvements were made to the categorized dwell time charts, including addition of titles, time ranges, and a legend consistent with the other charts.
All chart data can now be downloaded also as Excel files (.xlsx). This has the benefit over CSV files that the data can easily be opened in Excel with proper column layout and character formatting. Right-click on the chart, or on the three dots to find the new download functionality.
The vertical axis (y-axis) of the Visual Analytics timeline charts and the Trend Analytics charts can now be configured to a fixed range, for example, always showing number of assets on a scale from 0 to 1000. Click on the three dots and choose Edit.
Using fixed vertical ranges has the benefit that you can place multiple charts side by side on a dashboard and allow for easy visual comparison.
You can now create a new data set by initializing it from the settings of an already existing data set. This means that the new data set takes all data (and metadata) properties and all configuration settings.
This has the benefit that uploading similar data sets requires less setup.
Performance of Origin-Destination and other route-related computations has been improved. Note also that the Origin-Destination analytics now defaults to "Strict From" and "Strict To".
You can now save and load layer styles on the Visual Analytics page. This enables you to configure styling once and re-use the same styling configuration for a compatible data set. Compatible data sets are data sets with the same data properties.
You can find the buttons to export and import layer styles in the layer styles panel by clicking on MORE.
The advanced filter editor has been extended with improved syntax error highlighting, auto-completion, and adaptive documentation pointers.
When opening the dialog, there is now also UI that can be used to select and insert data properties, property values, and areas.
You can now define one or more categories on the Trend Analytics page. This enables you to analyze and download trends divided in subgroups, e.g., by a property, or by different areas, or by logical time units. Choose Categorized as the mode on the Trend Analytics page.
You can now choose German, French, Spanish, and Dutch, next to English as the language.
We have added several new tutorials:
A new tutorial on how to upload INRIX trips data.
A new tutorial on how to analyze traffic flows using floating vehicle data.
A new tutorial on how to automate data uploads and other platform actions using the REST API and Python.
There is now a compact view for the projects, data sets, data stores, areas of interest, and background overview pages. You can toggle by clicking on the table icon at the top of the respective pages.