
In the traffic and mobility domain, there are multiple ways that traffic data is collected, aggregated, and represented on road networks.

In this tutorial you will learn what variants the xyzt.ai platform supports and how to prepare your data for optimal use.

The platform supports multiple types of data sets.

This tutorial covers uploading data that is defined on a road network. The platform also supports other data types, such as raw floating vehicle data consisting of GPS coordinates, or data defined at discrete locations (e.g., traffic counting data).

This tutorial first explains the different variants of road networked defined data the platform supports and then explains how to format your data and upload it in the platform.

Free trial accounts don’t support uploading your own data

This tutorial uses functionality that is not included in the free trial version of the platform.

Get in touch if you want to start uploading your own data.

Next part

Go to the next part: Road data variants